Corporate Social Responsibilities is at the heart of our activities.
FLORAMAD strives to have a positive impact on the environment and the people in it by adopting a responsible approach.
In this context, on February 10, 2022, all the FLORAMAD team mobilized to participate in reforestation in Andranomadio -Tsiroanomandidy. This event was one of our contributions, among many others, to the preservation of the environment as well as to the sustainability of our activities (production of wood energy).
For several years, FLORAMAD has led several reforestation projects in many regions in Madagascar. The reforestation in Bongolava and Fitovinany is the most important, where we have done 100ha of reforestation with more than 120.000 plants being planted (forest and fruit species adapted for each region).
Both environmental and socio-economic impacts are already visible. Among them are contributions to the fight against climate change and soil erosion, improvements of the population well-being (creating jobs), and so on.